energy self-sufficiency


The ‘Quelle Energie’ [Which Energy] site has written a very interesting article on the advantages and disadvantages of self-consumption. This article helps understanding of how this innovation works!


« Firstly, the fact of subscribing to this new way of producing and using electricity at home marks your independence from the different electricity suppliers because you will not be required to buy back what you use. There is no denying that if you adopt self-consumption, you will substantially reduce your energy costs and monthly payments, maybe to the point of making them disappear for good. […]

If you make the choice to switch to full self-consumption or isolated site not connected to the supply, you won’t need to be connected to the mains supply if you have batteries to collect and store the energy produced and accumulated for long-term use. […]

So switching to self-consumption gives everyone who adopts this practice the status of eco-citizen, as the environment is better protected.

As for the disadvantages of self-consumption, it must first be noted that the cost of the equipment and professional installation is quite high for nearly all types of equipment.

However, in 2017, the cost of equipment for energy self-consumption has fallen substantially.

You should also know that this new consumption mode is a major investment but the return on investment is significant, so allowing self-consumption to be viable. […]

Energy self-consumption has some very convincing advantages if compared, for example, with a dedicated photovoltaic solar system for selling to EDF:

+ Cost of installing photovoltaic panels for self-consumption is lower than for selling to EDF as it doesn’t need to be connected to the mains supply;
+ Savings on energy consumption because the price of electricity is constantly rising;
+ Very few administrative procedures to be followed. »