GELEC Energy has designed a 30kW power cabinet for a hybrid installation on Île d’Ouen in New Caledonia.
Alizée Energy, a subsidiary of the Engie Group, already had two generating sets (2x30kW), solar panels (20kWc) and a battery storage system.
Every year, GELEC Energy present its products at the SPACE in Rennes (France)...
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A GELEC generating set and solar panels have been installed at a remote school in the ...
Installation of a 1,000 kVA generating set at Office Chérifienne de Phosphate in Morocco...
Our client, a producer of jatropha oil, is located in a residential area in Madagascar...
Our client has electricity available around the clock with no outages guaranteed...
The Mini Green Power plant will become a hybrid biomass/vegetable oil solution delivering...
This GELEC generating set installed in Cameroon provides electricity for a village in the bush...
This HPS (Hybrid Power Station) is the first of its type to be installed in an office building in France...
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