ENERGY SECURE guarantees the continuity of your activities in the event of an electrical power network failure following an accident, thunderstorm or flood…
ENERGY SECURE guarantees the continuity of your activities in the event of an electrical power network failure following an accident, thunderstorm or flood…
The video of the BEPOSITIVE 2017 show is available at last!
La vidéo du salon Bepositive 2017 est enfin disponible !
GELEC Energy has equipped a farm with a 35 kVA generator set to protect its calf-rearing sheds from power cuts!
GELEC Energy a équipé l’EARL GERARD CREVIN d’un groupe électrogène 35kVA pour…
Self-consumption and energy self-sufficiency – the future of energy… On 15 February this year a French law was passed to promote the development of self-consumption. Users will now receive investment payments up to €2,400 for a 3 kWc installation.
L’autoconsommation et autonomie énergétique, l’avenir de l’énergie… Le 15 février dernier une loi a été adoptée pour promouvoir le développement de l’auto
INOVIA has installed a GELEC Energy 90 kVA generator set in a pig maternity unit. The farm is now protected against power cuts!
INOVIA a installé un groupe électrogène GELEC Energy 90 kVA dans une …